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Dead Man`s Bluff

by  Tigger23

Posted: Monday, September 5, 2005
Word Count: 616
Summary: The opening scenes of a road movie I am working on

1- EXT. Desert at Dawn

A dishevelled man is seen at the edge of a road. He is bleary eyed, and in pain. His shirt is stained in blood, and a knife is shining on the ground, picked up by the lights of a passing car.

2 – INT. The Passing car - Day.

Two young Irish men are driving along. Will, a nervous looking man in his very early 20’s is driving. Jimmy, his handsome best friend is sat next to him. The windows are open.


Jaysus, did you see that. That was deadly. 40 grand in one night. Not bad.


Keep it down, will you, the last thing we want is to draw attention to ourselves.

3 EXT. Road from Las Vegas. - Day


You know, Jimmy, we’ll never get this money through customs, without them
asking all sorts of the wrong types of questions. (Beat) We really have to think
about what we’re going to do. (Beat) I know you’ve some seriously heavy
debts to pay of back home, but this, but this is not the answer, you know.


Oh man, you worry too much, that’s always been your problem.


Yeah. I know it’s my problem, but it’s your fault. It’s always your fault. Trouble
follows you everywhere you go.


We’ll, it’s my luck. I got the luck of the Irish. You got the melancholy. I’ll get
us out of this. As I always do, you know you can rely on me.

4 INT. A Roadside Café

– A clock hangs on the wall, showing it is just past 12 noon.


Hi, what can I get you two boys?


Yeah, Hi. My Compadre here and I will have what’s on your specials board, and
two of your finest Cappuccinos.


You boys been to Vegas then?


Yeah. We’re going home now.


You get lucky last night then?



WILL (Interrupting)

Yeah, well we lost more money than we won. We only really went for the
experience, you know.


Oh well, you will know for next time, I suppose. Somebody got unlucky last night.
He lost something like 60,000 on the tables. He couldn’t pay, so they bled him in
another way. Police found his body out on the highway about an hour ago.
Vultures got to him. Anyways, that happens around here a lot. Back soon.

(She goes to bring them their food)


Like I said, it’s luck.


Luck, my arse. We really need to put as much road between us and there as we


There you go. That’ll be 20 dollars please.

Will pays her. In silence, Will and Jimmy finish their meal. The diner is slowly filling as they leave.

5. INT. The Car

Nothing but open road. Jimmy is driving now. A sign reads that there is a town twenty miles away.


Thank god for that. We really need more petrol.


Yeah, this will be a good place to spend the night. We can spend some of our
ill-gotten gains. How much are your debts?


Ten grand.


God, is that it? We can sort you out, and have some fun here as well.


You mean booze and girls?.


Well, yes and no. Girls yes, but we are too young to drink here, remember.
Americans can drive at 16, but they have to wait till they’re 21 to drink.


God, that’s right. Still, next week, we will both be old enough.


Yeah, just think, if our birthday’s hadn’t been so close, our Mums may never
have met.


Well, that would have been a great loss…………………