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The Digital Age

by  Lisa

Posted: Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Word Count: 123
Summary: This piece is in its second major draft stage. I want it to have a certain sterility to it as well as a gentler voice at times. Curious as to what you guys think of it. Thanks.

The crazy-paved lines
of her analogue face
and reconfigure to form,
what is unmistakably a smile
at Alfie;
a Sheltie,
whose distended,
bloated belly
drags art nouveau scrolls
through the dust
on the path.

She flashes a grin of glistening pink
and pearl acrylic resin
as Alfie tries to climb polyethylene
one of a matching pair.
Disease chews at his quivering
He stumbles.
It matters not to Alfie that his warping frame
frustrates his alpha male
He resigns himself to his curlicues;
a canine dedication to
Gustav Klimt.

She reaches down
with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
a complex matrix,
a tangle of browns.
Woman and beast:
a six legged entity
captured for an instant in
synthesised immortality.