Anne Brooke (HollyB)  

Anne Brooke has been writing for seventeen years and is the author of six novels, numerous short stories and poems. She was shortlisted for the Harry Bowling Novel Award in 2006, longlisted for the Betty Bolingbroke-Kent Novel Award in 2005, and shortlisted for the Royal Literary Fund Awards in 2004 and the Asham Award for Women Writers in 2003. In addition, she has twice been the winner of the DSJT Charitable Trust Open Poetry Award.

Her latest gay crime novel, Maloney's Law, is now available from Amazon in the UK and US. Her psychological crime novel, Thorn in the Flesh, is available from Goldenford Publishers and can also be purchased as an eBook from Mobipocket and Amazon US. Her romantic comedy novel, Pink Champagne and Apple Juice, is available from Goldenford. Another gay crime novel, A Dangerous Man, is available from Flame Books.

Her work is represented by the John Jarrold Literary Agency and she has a secret passion for Terry Wogan. More information can be found at Anne's website, her MySpace page or at Goldenford. She also keeps a terrifyingly honest online journal.